5 Things You Should be Doing to Improve Focus at Work

Do you want to improve focus at work? Are you someone that skips from task to task at work without spending a significant amount of time on any one thing? You probably are if you’re reading this article… but that’s okay, you’re here now, and we are going to work on it. Keep reading to learn the 5 things you should be doing at work to improve your focus and productivity.

1. Respond, Don’t React

Immediate reaction is something we all feel like we have to do. New email? Read, react, and hit send. New to-do pops up on your project management system? Do it immediately. STOP. First, unless something is marked “Immediate Action Needed,” it can probably wait. Stop reacting immediately and instead take time to work through, think, and respond when you’re ready.

2. Hardest First

Get the toughest (or most boring) tasks done first thing in the morning. This will get it out of the way so you can enjoy the rest of your day, and it will stop you from procrastinating to avoid that unbearable task.

3. Stop Time-Sucks

Time-sucks come in many forms. Notifications, social media, and cleaning out your deleted email files are great examples. You are giving up your valuable time to those things that can wait, and instead, most likely creating a backlog of work for yourself. Do whatever it is you need to do to remove the temptation and get back to work.

4. Make a To-Do List

A game plan for your day is possibly the most valuable tool you have at your disposal. Simply knowing what all you need to do and what other commitments you have will give you a clear view of what your day will look like. A simple piece of paper with a time ladder and checkboxes will do the trick.

5. Work in Chunks

Break your day up into chunks by time. Working for forty-five minutes with a ten-minute break will not only make the day go by faster but will also help you learn to gauge how long specific tasks take and where your time is being used.

Improve Focus at Work and Become an Effective Worker

Improving your focus at work is about more than exercising your brain to be more productive. It’s also about training yourself to work, respond, and plan your day in a way that is most useful to you. This will look different for everyone, but with time and practice, you can become an effective worker.

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Focus leads to productivity, and similarly, a lack of focus typically makes you unproductive. The power of focus is real, and it is something that can be achieved. It may not happen overnight (most things don’t!), but eventually, you can learn how to be a focused person – focusing on the right things, avoiding distractions, and working towards greatness to achieve your goals.

The best time to start is now. Your future self, your tomorrow self, and your today self will thank you for narrowing in on something important to you and using strong focus to get you there. Plus, you’ve made it this far, so you’re off to a great start! Good luck and happy focusing!

“Motivation, Success and Personal Development is our Focus”